The advantages and disadvantages of sport and recreation are very similar as they cost of the recreations, if done at a competitive level could become sports.

Recreation plays more on mental health; like chess, cards and other types of games that are considered as recreation mostly need a clever and quick brain. Some of the disadvantages however could be that there is a social exclusion and a self aimed delusion for mistakes made. The body in these activities is not required or taken poorly into account. If the recreation is done with other mates: e.g. with a class or team, this could cause acts of bullying or even the refusing of going to the activity. There are not many other disadvantages that a recreation could create; maybe some kind of injury if a sport is practiced very rarely and could be considered by the person that is playing it as a recreation. The term recreation depends by the person; some say that golf is a recreation, however others think that it is a very stressful body activity.

The most crucial benefit of recreation is that, because it should be done for pleasure, it'll free your mind and relax everyone that is participating in it. Recreations are also used to entertain and pass some time with the family or friends.

Recreation in some ways could be better than sport; this depends form person to person and their interpretation of these similar but different definitions of activities.

Carlotta, Micol, Guglielmo
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